Friday, January 29, 2010

Hot Mineral Springs:

On Friday morning, we visited some lovely, steamy mineral springs patronized by locals and tourists alike for their health-giving properties. Twenty minutes is the maximum time you may enjoy the waters because of the high temperatures. The springs cascade down large rocks and natural pools are formed in several places. It's a beautiful spot in the next province, Krabi, about an hour and a half from Trang.

Afterwards, we went into Krabi and had lunch at a huge, modern mall centered around a Tesco/Lotus. The restaurant was also a coffee house and had many "Western" items. I was delighted to try them out as I've had nothing very Western in quite a long time. The hazelnut coffee frappe was especially delicious!

Green and shady, the stream flows into the surrounding woodlands.

A very cool "hot" spot.

Jack, our wonderful guide to all things new, shows the typical Thai enjoyment of life's simpler pleasures. He's always smiling, always cheerful, always patient with his brood of "farangs" and their endless questions and always ready for "sanuk" (fun).

Volunteers look like woodland nymphs gathered around the pool.

Couldn't resist clowning around over a Western lunch and coffee drink. Yes, I loved it.

Dunkin Donuts display in the mall. Even the donuts in Thailand are done Thai-style--with an eye for color and design.


  1. look how happy you are with fries and a frappe! American Dunkin Donuts needs to take a Thai donut decorating class for sure, how pretty!

  2. We've never seen such a happy look on your face for french fries! And something tells us you must have had a couple of donuts as well. Hurrah for hazelnut frappes!

  3. No, I didn't have donuts, just for the record. The french fries were a big enough dietary sin!
